

Our Office

Navarangpura, Ahmedabad - 380009
Gujarat- India

We value
“Health in its entirety”

Our passion to empower others, continuous education, years of experience, desire to create, discipline & techno-savvy approach make our dynamic relations with clients. Which motivates & inspires us to successfully reach their goals.


Healthy Diets

Eating healthy & balance Diet, help in Growth, Repair & Stay strong & help you prevent Diet-related illness.

Best Fitness

Your body & brain will reap benefits once you indulge yourself into a fitness routine.

Join us… because we care for you

A healthy diet is protective and an unhealthy diet is a risk factor for depression and anxiety.

Client's diary

Story Of Success

Before you take our words, have a look at our client’s success stories

Priyanka Purohit

Ms. Priyanka Purohit

Alternate Nutrition says “Priyanka Purohit” is always being our inspirational client. She is found of food & due to heredity, she is always alert on her weight. She is in touch with Alternate Nutrition since 2016 & loves to try out our various Diet & Detox plans. She always follows our Diet plans dedicatedly & achieves her target. Which gives us pride & satisfaction on our Diet & Recipe chart. Her alertness for health & weight inspires us to research & provide more varieties of food recipes. Most importantly she is our Detox Lover. Once a year, she loves to try our DETOX plan, no matter she really needs it or not. She just falls in love with our Detox combinations & its effect on her hair, skin & fat level. Not only that, she is our most active member for any celebration or making lifelong memories with Alternate Nutrition. We are always proud to have Priyanka Purohit in our client diary. Alternate Nutrition tags her as “Platinum Client” & proudly gives her lifetime benefits.

Rimple Patel

Mrs. Rimple Patel

She is running 49 & her multiple health issues with i.e. Stone, Fissure, Deficiency of B12, etc with 100+ kg weight
Within 3 months she reduced almost 20kg only with our Diet plans
& the journey is still continued…

Pratiti Bhalavat

Mrs. Pratiti Bhalavat

If “word of mouth” considered to be the best publicity than we call Pratiti as “Alternate Nutrition’s Prime client” & the reference is still continued… It’s been more than 5 years since she took our service.
The most foodie & always scared with the word “Dieting”. She enrolls on the same day when she came for consulting.
She was suffering from severe back pain due to her heavyweight & within 10-15 days, her complaint was gone
Long waiting was not her cup of tea. She happily achieved her goal in a very short period of time & has maintained till date
She is even happier by improving in her hair & skin texture than normal


Mr. Maulik Dave

Our CORONA Client
Even though he is a Biker, he was doing a job in IT. Due to this Corona pandemic, he lost his job, even found difficulty in finding a new one, also he broke up in his relationship & finally it was lead to severe depression
We did his online counseling on our sharing & healing plan
Today is the day when he feels so fresh & confident to live a life fully without a job & partner. He is fully enjoying his passion as a biker.