
We are health and fitness influencers. We like to follow trends or celebrities diet regimes.

Almost every decade – our lifestyle, food habit, food choice, etc are changing. Accordingly, we prefer to follow various diet plans which match our lifestyle.

Here is the list of common Diet trends

  1. Keto
  2. Vegan
  3. IF (Intermittent Fasting)
  4. Hair & Skincare Diet
  5. The Immune System Support Diet (“Eating to Combat Covid”)

Keto Diet

The Ketogenic or Keto diet is a meal containing low carbohydrates, a reasonable amount of proteins, and high fat. It lets you burn excess fat from the body to achieve the weight loss objectives. However, planning a keto diet can be challenging for people who are eager to start with it for the first time. Thanks to Alternate Nutrition for helping people understand the significance of the keto diet in Ahmedabad. We at Alternate Nutrition assist you in preparing an online keto diet plan as well.

Benefits of keto diet

Before you approach us for the keto diet online, know the reasons for switching to this food habit and how it benefits your health.

  • The keto diet replaces high-calories coming from carbohydrates but encourages consuming superior quality fat from animal and plant sources, such as olive oil, eggs, cheese, fish, and coconut oil.
  • The keto diet contains a moderate amount of proteins so that the liver gets its supply of amino acids that assist in making glucose needed for the organs and cells in your body.
  • One of the primary benefits of consuming a keto diet is losing and maintaining body weight, which implies the reduction of body fat and retaining muscle mass.
  • The Keto diet also helps in managing blood sugar levels as it contains a minimum amount of carbohydrates.
  • With this diet plan, you can reduce the dependence on drugs to consume for controlling the blood sugar level and increase reliance on a food-based cure.
  • The keto diet also restores sensitivity to insulin and promotes requisite amounts of this hormone through a low-carbohydrate diet.
  • For people suffering from hypertension, which in turn increases the tendency of cardiac attacks, the keto diet can help.

Why Alternate Nutrition

  • However, you need to know how to begin with a keto diet based on your age, gender, and activities and this is where Alternate Nutrition steps in.
  • When keto diet Ahmedabad is one of the things you need to know, get in touch with us soon to learn more about the reasons to switch to this diet option.
  • We offer an advanced vegetarian keto diet plan too.
  • We make all Keto recipes so yummy, easy to cook & fulfilling.
  • We take care of your liking, disliking & convenience while preparing your keto diet plan.
  • We conduct personalized online YOGA & online workout sessions to give you more results, strength & motivation.

Vegan Diet

Are you aware that eating eggs, dairy products, and meat not just harms animals but the environment? Moreover, eating animal meat and eggs can impact our health negatively. Moreover, the tendency of people to eat processed meat can propagate the chances of developing cancer-based on scientific research.

If you want to avoid the detrimental effect of animal flesh, dairy products, and eggs, trusting Alternate Nutrition is the best way to initiate veganism.

Veganism is a way of living that attempts to exclude all forms of animal exploitation and cruelty, whether for food, clothing, or any other purpose. For these reasons, the vegan diet is devoid of all animal products, including meat, eggs, and dairy.

You can connect with our vegan diet plan to decide the changes in meal plans and understand how to blend the right nutrients to maintain good health.

Why choose vegan diet

If you want to begin with healthy eating habits, avail yourself plant-based meal planning from the vegetarian nutritionist at Alternate Nutrition. However, People choose to follow a vegan diet for various reasons.

With vegan food, you can get all the nutrients through a balanced diet.

  • Vegan meals include pulses, grains, nuts, seeds, and vegetables and allow people to get maximum antioxidants, potassium, magnesium, folate, and vitamins.
  • With a vegan diet plan, you can reduce the risk of developing cancer and other diseases as fruits and vegetables have plenty of antioxidants and a higher amount of omega-3 fatty acids.
  • If you are planning to lose weight, getting rid of animal-derived food products is the way to begin, and look for a vegan nutritionist near me to understand how to make necessary changes in meal plans without affecting the level of nutrition.
  • The vegan diet also minimizes the risk of developing type 2 diabetes as research reveals that plant-eaters have lower blood sugar levels than those eating animal products.
  • Consuming dairy products is primarily responsible for destroying the texture of your skin but switching to a vegan diet implies that you need to depend on fruits and vegetables that include a lot of good stuff from which your skin can benefit immensely.

Why choose our Vegan Plan

  • Alternate Nutrition has various Vegan plans starting from 1 week. You can always choose a 1-week plan & try it out
  • Here @AN we have proper Recipe for all meals which makes your diet easy to follow
  • We provide healthy guidelines on how to choose Vegan at restaurants & Social gatherings as well
  • Last but not least, we suggest healthy snacks options as well

If you are looking forward to vegan dietitians near me, connect with us at Alternate Nutrition and get the best advice to start the vegan eating habit today.


Hair & Skin care Diet

Voluminous hair, sun-kissed skin, and sturdy nails are signs of a great beauty regime. If you’re not getting certain nutrients from food, you might see the effects on your hair. A healthy diet can help your skin & hair stay strong and shiny. What you eat can also keep you from losing your locks.

That is why the importance of the best diet plan for hair loss prevention is hard to ignore. Food contains loads of significant nutrients, which people have used for so many years. These days, we might wash our hair and moisturize skin with rosemary, honey, avocado, and more.

It is hard to come across any magic food or Vegetarian diet plan for healthy skin & hair that will keep you looking young forever. But a proper diet, along with lifestyle change, will affect how the skin ages and looks. So, going for the best diet plan for skin and hair will detoxify your body from within and help you enjoy your inner glow well.

Benefits of a healthy diet plan

  • With the help of a proper healthy diet plan for hair and skin, you will improve digestion of your body and promote better hair and skin condition.
  • You can see the dark circles and spots fading away and a significant glow on your skin.
  • If case you have been a victim of acne or pimple-prone skin, then a proper healthy diet plan will help in controlling the same.
  • Apart from nails and skin, a proper diet plan will enhance the volume of your hair and make the roots stronger.
  • You won’t be suffering from unwanted hair loss or dandruff, like you used to, with a proper diet plan.

Why choose our diet plan for healthy skin and hair?

  • We have healthy meal plans designed for glowing skin and voluminous hair
  • Alternate Nutrition has the best diet plan for healthy skin and hair, which will be flexible based on people’s needs
  • We focus on – reasons for hair loss, reasons for skin rash & itchy bums, etc & then make a personalized diet plan for hair & skin
  • While making a Diet plan for hair & skin – we focus on Vitamins to repair your problem & give home remedies to externally treat them as well.
  • We also conduct one on one YOGA sessions & online work-out classes to improve blood circulation as well
  • We also teach you the best & worst food for healthy hair & skin
  • & last but not the least, we let you know your best & worst habit & recommend lifestyle change for long-lasted solution to your problem

So, waste no time and visit our official website to learn more about the best diet plan we have.

Other than above, there are a few more diet types that are trending in different countries.

Connect Alternate Nutrition today to choose any of the above Diet plans you like to follow. We are sure, you will have an amazing health journey with us.

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